The college or school administering the student's primary major:
BCOE | Marlan and Rosemary Bourns College of Engineering |
CHASS | College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences |
CNAS | College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences |
SB | School of Business / A. Gary Anderson Graduate School of Management |
SOE | School of Education |
SOM | School of Medicine |
SPP | School of Public Policy |
Degrees Awarded
Unless otherwise specified, degree totals for a given academic year include degrees awarded from summer to spring of that year.
Term-level degree totals are currently unavailable through SmartQuery.
Degree Objective
The type of degree associated with the student's primary major:
BA | Bachelor of Arts |
BS | Bachelor of Science |
MA | Master of Arts |
MBA | Master of Business Administration |
MED | Master of Education |
MFIN | Master of Finance |
MFA | Master of Fine Arts |
MPAC | Master of Professional Accountancy |
MPP | Master of Public Policy |
MS | Master of Science |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy |
MD | Doctor of Medicine |
ND | Credential/Other Non-Degree |
Unless otherwise specified, the enrollment figure for a given academic year reflects the unduplicated count of students enrolled in credit-bearing classes as of the fall third-week census.
At the term level, enrollment figures likewise denote the unduplicated count of students enrolled in credit-bearing classes as of the corresponding term's third-week census.
Students' self-reported IPEDS ethnicity. International status is based on students' legal residence as determined by the university and is not self-reported. Students who identify as Hispanic or Latino are always reported under that category regardless of any other identifications they may have (aside from the determination of international status). Students who report any other combination of ethnic identifications are listed under the "Two or More Races" category.
The current IPEDS ethnicity methodology was adopted in fall 2010. As a result, ethnicity data from 2010 onwards is not exactly comparable to ethnicity data from before 2010. The "Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander" and "Two or More Races" categories did not exist before 2010, and data on these statuses for students who entered prior to 2010 is not available through SmartQuery.
First Generation
First-generation status is determined based on self-reported parental education for undergraduate applicants. Students are considered to be first-generation when neither parent has completed a 4-year college degree. In cases where parental education data is missing for both parents, students are not considered first-generation.
First-generation data is only collected for undergraduate students.
Full-Time Equivalent, Workload (FTE)
The unduplicated workload FTE total of students enrolled in credit-bearing classes as of the term third-week census. Workload FTE is calculated using a common denominator of 15 units for undergraduates and 12 units for graduate students.
Graduation Rate
Percentages indicate the share of the specified cohort that graduated within the corresponding timeframe. Rates are cumulative and are measured through the final summer of the year shown. Where available, partial data is shown for cohorts that have not passed the tracking endpoint (Year 6 for first-time full-time frosh cohorts).
Graduation Rate
Percentages indicate the share of the specified cohort that graduated within the corresponding timeframe. Rates are cumulative and are measured through the final summer of the year shown. Where available, partial data is shown for cohorts that have not passed the tracking endpoint (Year 4 for transfer cohorts).
The unduplicated number of students enrolled in credit-bearing classes as of the term third-week census.
Low Income
Undergraduate students are defined as low-income when their self-reported family income falls below the fee-waiver threshold set by the UC Office of the President for a particular year and family size. Dependent students are categorized based on their parents' income and independent students are categorized based on their own income.
Income data is only collected for undergraduate students.
Pell Recipient
Undergraduate students are defined as Pell recipients when they receive the need-based federal Pell grant for their entering term. Pell status is not finalized until the following year, when the full financial aid year is closed; the Pell percentages for the most recent year are preliminary and subject to change.
Pell status is only applicable for undergraduate students.
For enrollment queries, program indicates a student's primary major in a given term. Note that unless otherwise specified, enrollment counts are unduplicated, so in some cases, program-based enrollment queries may not include students with double majors.
For degree queries, program corresponds to the degree awarded.
Program-level graduation rate data are currently unavailable through SmartQuery.
To find a specific program, try searching for the corresponding program code in the
program code list.
Resident status is based on the student's tuition status for a given term. Students paying nonresident tuition (NRT) are considered nonresident ("NRT Payers"), while students paying in-state tuition fees (either due to California residency or to exemption from out-of-state fees) are considered resident ("Residents and NRT Exceptions").
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
STEM students are defined as those whose primary major is in the Bourns College of Engineering (BCOE) or the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences (CNAS).
Underrepresented Minority (URM)
URM students include those who identify as American Indian/Alaskan Native, Black/African American, Chicano/Latino, or Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander.
Unless a term is indicated, figures correspond to the academic year starting in the calendar year specified in a label (e.g., the label 2019 corresponds to the academic year 2019-20.)
Figures correspond to the term in the specified calendar year:
F | Fall |
W | Winter |
S | Spring |
U | Summer |
Data for summer terms are currently unavailable through SmartQuery.